Generic consequences of a supersymmetric U(1) gauge factor at the TeV scale
Apr, 199733 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 56 (1997) 7155-7165
- hep-ph/9704441 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- UCRHEP-T-176
Citations per year
We consider an arbitrary supersymmetric U(1) gauge factor at the TeV scale, under which the two Higgs superfields H_{1,2} of the standard model are nontrivial. We assume that there is a singlet superfield S such that H_1 H_2 S is an allowed term in the superpotential. We discuss first the generic consequences of this hypothesis on the structure of the two-doublet Higgs sector at the electroweak energy scale, as well as Z-Z' mixing and the neutralino sector. We then assume the existence of a grand unified symmetry and universal soft supersymmetry breaking terms at that scale. We further assume that the additional U(1) is broken radiatively via a superpotential term of the form h h~c S, where h and h~c are exotic color-triplet fields which appear in E_6 models. We show that the U(1) breaking scale and the parameter tan(beta) \equiv v_2/v_1 are then both predicted as functions of the H_1 H_2 S coupling.- 12.60.Jv
- 12.60.Cn
- 12.10.Dm
- gauge field theory: U(1)
- supersymmetry: superfield
- Higgs particle: multiplet
- doublet: 2
- grand unified theory: E(6)
- supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
- interference: (Z' Z0)
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