Improved evidence for a black hole in M32 from HST / FOS spectra. 2. Axisymmetric dynamical models
May, 1997
42 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J. 493 (1998) 613
- astro-ph/9705081 [astro-ph]
Report number:
- IASSNS-AST-97-28
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Abstract: (arXiv)
Axisymmetric dynamical models are constructed for the E3 galaxy M32 to interpret high spatial resolution stellar kinematical HST data. Models are studied with two-integral phase-space distribution functions, and with fully general three- integral distribution functions. The latter are built using a new extension of Schwarzschild's orbit superposition approach. Models are constructed for inclinations of 90 and 55 degrees. No model without a nuclear dark object can fit the combined ground-based and HST data, independent of the dynamical structure of M32. Models with a nuclear dark object of 3.4 x 10~6 solar masses do provide an excellent fit. The inclined models provide the best fit, but the inferred dark mass does not depend sensitively on the assumed inclination. The models that best fit the data are not two-integral models, but like two-integral models they are azimuthally anisotropic. An extended dark object can fit the data only if its half-mass radius is r_h < 0.08 arcsec (=0.26 pc), implying a central dark matter density exceeding 1 x 10~8 solar masses / pc~3. This density is high enough to rule out most plausible alternatives to a massive black hole. The dynamically inferred dark mass is identical to that suggested by existing adiabatic black hole growth models for HST photometry of M32. The low activity of M32 implies either that only a very small fraction of the gas that is shed by evolving stars is accreted onto the black hole, or that accretion proceeds at very low efficiency, e.g. in an advection-dominated mode. (shortened version)References(56)