Measurements of the reactions C-12 (muon-neutrino, mu-) N-12 (g.s.) and C-12 (muon-neutrino, mu-) X
May, 199751 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 56 (1997) 2806-2819
- nucl-ex/9705002 [nucl-ex]
Report number:
- LA-UR-96-1848
Citations per year
Charged current scattering of nu_mu on 12C has been studied using a pi+ decay-in-flight nu_mu beam at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility. A sample of 56.8 +- 9.6 events satisfying criteria for the exclusive reaction 12C + nu_mu -> mu- + 12N_g.s. was obtained using the large Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND). The observed flux-averaged cross section, (6.6 +- 1.0 +- 1.0) x 10^-41 cm^2, agrees well with reliable theoretical expectations. A measurement was also obtained for the inclusive cross section to all accessible 12N states, 12C + nu_\mu -> mu- + X. This flux-averaged cross section is (11.2 +- 0.3 +- 1.8)x 10^-40 cm^2, which is approximately half of that given by a recent Continuum Random Phase Approximation (CRPA) calculation.Note:
- Figures included with psfig Report-no: LA-UR-976-1848
- neutrino nucleus: nuclear reaction
- neutrino nucleus: exclusive reaction
- neutrino nucleus: inclusive reaction
- neutrino/mu: secondary beam
- charged current
- muon-: leptonic decay
- energy spectrum: (lepton)
- nitrogen: semileptonic decay
- channel cross section: energy dependence
- random phase approximation