Minimal supergravity with R-parity breaking

Jun, 1997
21 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 524 (1998) 23-40
Report number:
  • FTUV-97-32,
  • IFIC-97-31

Citations per year

We show that the minimal R-parity breaking model characterized by an effective bilinear violation of R-parity in the superpotential is consistent with minimal N=1 supergravity unification with radiative breaking of the electroweak symmetry and universal scalar and gaugino masses. This one-parameter extension of the MSSM-SUGRA model provides therefore the simplest reference model for the breaking of R-parity and constitutes a consistent truncation of the complete dynamical models with spontaneous R-parity breaking proposed previously. We comment on the lowest-lying CP-even Higgs boson mass and discuss its minimal N=1 supergravity limit, determine the ranges of tanβ\tan\beta and bottom quark Yukawa couplings allowed in the model, as well as the relation between the tau neutrino mass and the bilinear R-parity violating parameter.
  • 22 pages including 4 figures, Latex. A numerical error is corrected which changes figure number 4. The rest of the paper stays the same Report-no: FTUV/97-32, IFIC/97-31, FISIST/8-97/CFIF
  • R parity: violation
  • supergravity: minimal
  • electroweak interaction
  • symmetry breaking
  • mass: gaugino
  • Higgs particle: mass
  • coupling: bottom
  • coupling: Yukawa
  • grand unified theory
  • neutrino/tau: mass