The Reactions p p ---> p p pi0 and p p ---> d pi+ at threshold: The Role of the isoscalar pi N scattering amplitude
Jul, 1997
11 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 424 (1998) 8-14
- nucl-th/9707029 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- KFA-IKP-TH-1997-14
Citations per year
We examine the role of the elementary isoscalar pion--nucleon scattering amplitude in the description of the processes and at threshold. We argue that the presently used tree level dimension two approximation used in chiral perturbation theory is insufficient as input by direct comparison with the N scattering data. We also show that a successful semi--phenomenological boson--exchange model does better in the description of these data. The influence of the violation of crossing symmetry in the meson--exchange model has to be studied in more detail. We stress that further investigations of the process can pave the way to a deeper understanding of the pion dominated part of the transition operator.Note:
- 12 pp, LaTeX file, 4 figures (uses epsf), enlarged version, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B Report-no: KFA-IKP(TH)-1997-14
- p p: exclusive reaction
- pi: hadroproduction
- final state: (2p pi0)
- final state: (deuteron pi+)
- threshold
- pi nucleon: scattering amplitude
- isoscalar
- partial wave analysis
- perturbation theory: chiral
- meson: exchange