MHD turbulence revisited
Jan, 199725 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J. 485 (1997) 680
- astro-ph/9612243 [astro-ph]
Report number:
- IUCAA-01-97
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Kraichnan (1965) proposed that MHD turbulence occurs as a result of collisions between oppositely directed Alfv\'en wave packets. Recent work has generated some controversy over the nature of non linear couplings between colliding Alfv\'en waves. We find that the resolution to much of the confusion lies in the existence of a new type of turbulence, intermediate turbulence, in which the cascade of energy in the inertial range exhibits properties intermediate between those of weak and strong turbulent cascades. Some properties of intermediate MHD turbulence are: (i) in common with weak turbulent cascades, wave packets belonging to the inertial range are long lived: (ii) however, components of the strain tensor are so large that, similar to the situation in strong turbulence, perturbation theory is not applicable: (iii) the breakdown of perturbation theory results from the divergence of neighboring field lines due to wave packets whose perturbations in velocity and magnetic fields are localized, but whose perturbations in displacement are not: (iv) 3--wave interactions dominate individual collisions between wave packets, but interactions of all orders make comparable contributions to the intermediate turbulent energy cascade: (v) successive collisions are correlated since wave packets are distorted as they follow diverging field lines: (vi) in common with the weak MHD cascade, there is no parallel cascade of energy, and the cascade to small perpendicular scales strengthens as it reaches higher wave numbers: (vii) For an appropriate weak excitation, there is a natural progression from a weak, through an intermediate, to a strong cascade.References(8)