Lattice constrained parametrizations of form-factors for semileptonic and rare radiative B decays
Aug, 199713 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 416 (1998) 392-401
- hep-lat/9708008 [hep-lat]
Report number:
- CPT-97-P-3505,
- SHEP-97-13,
- UG-DFM-4-97
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We describe the form factors for B to rho lepton neutrino and B to K* gamma decays with just two parameters and the two form factors for B to pi lepton neutrino with a further two or three parameters. The parametrizations are consistent with heavy quark symmetry, kinematic constraints and lattice results, which we use to determine the parameters. In addition, we test versions of the parametrizations consistent (or not) with light-cone sum rule scaling relations at q^2=0.Note:
- 14 pages, LaTeX, 5 eps figures, uses epsf and array packages. Version accepted for publication in Physics Letters B Report-no: CPT-97/P.3505, SHEP-97/13, UG-DFM-4/97
- 13.20.He
- 12.15.Hh
- 12.38.Gc
- 12.39.Hg
- Semileptonic and rare radiative decays of B mesons
- Determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements
- Lattice QCD calculation
- Heavy quark effective theory
- Semileptonic and rare radiative decays of B mesons
- lattice field theory