ZPC 1.0.1: A Parton cascade for ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
Sep, 199725 pages
Published in:
- Comput.Phys.Commun. 109 (1998) 193-206
- nucl-th/9709009 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- CU-TP-853
Citations per year
A Monte Carlo program solving Boltzmann equation for partons via cascade method is presented. At presented, only gluon-gluon elastic scattering is included. The scattering cross section is regulated by a medium generated screening mass. Three different geometric modes (3 dimension expansion, 1-d expansion, and scattering inside a box) are provided for theoretical study of the parton transport and the applicability of the cascade method. Space cell division is available to save the number of computer operations. This improves the speed of the calculation by a large factor and makes the code best optimized for simulation of parton cascade in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions.- scattering: heavy ion
- showers: parton
- model: cascade
- Boltzmann equation: solution
- gluon gluon: elastic scattering
- time dependence
- mass: screening
- programming: Monte Carlo
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo