Neutrino photon reactions in astrophysics and cosmology
Sep, 19974 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.Lett. 80 (1998) 900-903
- hep-ph/9709290 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- BA-97-32
Citations per year
At energies above the threshold for production the process is competive with scattering at the same center of mass energies. In a cosmological setting, absorption of ultra high energy neutrinos by the microwave photon background is comparable to absorption by the neutrino background. In passing through matter, the process will occur in the coulomb field of nuclei. For iron, the interaction rate per nucleon is roughly 20% of the charge current cross-section. The related process, \anti\nu_e e^- \to \gamma W^- dominates \anti\nu_e e^- scattering for about a decade in energy above the resonance for production.- astrophysics
- scattering: neutrino photon
- W: photoproduction
- cross section: energy dependence
- antineutrino electron: interaction
- neutrino nucleus: interaction
- current
- numerical calculations
- neutrino photon --> W+ lepton
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