On the effective interactions of a light gravitino with matter fermions

Sep, 1997
8 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 11 (1997) 001
Report number:
  • CERN-TH-97-244,
  • DFPD-97-TH-35,
  • DFPD~97-TH-35

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
If the gravitino is light and all the other supersymmetric particles are heavy, we can consider the effective theory describing the interactions of its goldstino components with ordinary matter. To discuss the model-dependence of these interactions, we take the simple case of spontaneously broken supersymmetry and only two chiral superfields, associated with the goldstino and a massless matter fermion. We derive the four-point effective coupling involving two matter fermions and two goldstinos, by explicit integration of the heavy spin-0 degrees of freedom in the low-energy limit. Surprisingly, our result is not equivalent to the usual non-linear realization of supersymmetry, where a pair of goldstinos couples to the energy-momentum tensor of the matter fields. We solve the puzzle by enlarging the non-linear realization to include a second independent invariant coupling, and we show that there are no other independent couplings of this type up to this order in the low-energy expansion. We conclude by commenting on the interpretation of our results and on their possible phenomenological implications.
  • 12 pages, 1 figure, plain LaTeX. An important proof added in section 5. Final version to be published in JHEP
  • supergravity
  • scattering: gravitino fermion
  • effective action
  • Goldstino