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We study topological properties of SU(3) gauge theory using improved cooling. In the absence of fermions, we measure a topological susceptibility of (182(8)MeV)4(182(8) MeV)^4 and an instanton size 0.6\sim 0.6 fm. In the presence of light staggered fermions and across the chiral transition, the susceptibility drops in a manner consistent with the quenched case, and the instanton size changes little. No significant formation of bound instanton-antiinstanton pairs is observed, in particular not along the Euclidean time direction for T>TcT > T_c.
  • 3 pages, 3 PostScript figures (one in color); Talk presented at LAT97
  • talk: Edinburgh 1997/07/22
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • instanton
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • charge: topological
  • approximation: quenching
  • critical phenomena
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo