A Practical procedure for evolving heavy flavor structure functions

Nov, 1997
10 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 421 (1998) 303-311
Report number:
  • RAL-TR-97-061

Citations per year

The transition from the low Q2Q^2 region in deep inelastic scattering where charm production is described by photon-gluon fusion to a region where the charm structure function F2cF_2^c is largely generated by a charm quark density should be a smooth passage. The all orders prescription for matching between the two schemes does not uniquely determine all the relevant coefficient functions (CF's) or guarantee the correct threshold behaviour at fixed order in αs\alpha_s. The constraints of matching not only the value but also the evolution of F2cF_2^c order by order allows all CF's to be determined at any order, each of which reduces to the appropriate massless \msb expression as Q2Q^2 \to \infty, and leads to a smooth transition in the threshold region. This procedure gives an excellent description of the F2cF_2^c data for all Q2Q^2.
  • 10 pages Latex 3 postscript figures Report-no: RAL-TR-97-061
  • electron p: deep inelastic scattering
  • muon p: deep inelastic scattering
  • p: structure function
  • quark: charm
  • quark: momentum spectrum
  • fusion: photon gluon
  • quark: flavor
  • lepton p: inclusive reaction
  • D: electroproduction
  • D*(2010)