Predictions for D*+- - photoproduction at HERA with new fragmentation functions from LEP-1
Dec, 199722 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 58 (1998) 014014
- hep-ph/9712482 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- DESY-97-241,
- MPI-PHT-97-88
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We present new sets of nonperturbative fragmentation functions for D^*+- mesons, both at leading and next-to-leading order in the MS-bar factorization scheme with five massless quark flavors. They are determined by fitting the latest OPAL and ALEPH data on inclusive D^*+- production in e^+e^- annihilation. We take the charm-quark fragmentation function to be of the form proposed by Peterson et al. and thus obtain new values of the epsilon_c parameter, which are specific for our choice of factorization scheme. With these fragmentation functions, recent data on inclusive D^*+- photoproduction in ep collisions at HERA are reasonably well reproduced.- electron p: deep inelastic scattering
- electron p: inclusive reaction
- exchange: one-photon
- photon p: inclusive reaction
- D*(2010): electroproduction
- D*(2010): photoproduction
- electron positron: annihilation
- D*(2010): fragmentation function
- quark: fragmentation function
- charm