Particle mesh code for cosmological simulations
Dec, 1997Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Particle-Mesh (PM) codes are still very useful tools for testing predictions of cosmological models in cases when extra high resolution is not very important. We release for public use a cosmological PM N-body code. We provide a complete package of routines needed to set initial conditions, to run the code, and to analyze the results. The package allows you to simulate models with numerous combinations of parameters: open/flat/closed background, with or without the cosmological constant, different values of the Hubble constant, with or without hot neutrinos, tilted or non-tilted initial spectra, different amount of baryons. Routines are included to measure the power spectrum and the density distribution function in your simulations, and a bound-density-maxima code for halo finding. We also provide results of test runs. A simulation with 256^3 mesh and 128^3 particles can be done in a couple of days on a typical workstation (70Mb of RAM are needed). To run simulations with 800^3 mesh and 256^3 particles one needs a computer with 1Gb memory and 1Gb disk space. The code has been successfully tested on an HP workstation and on a Sun workstation running Solaris. Most of the files (not tests) can be obtained from The package can be downloaded from We provide this tool as a service to the astronomical community, but we cannot guarantee results or publications.References(25)