Simple photoelectric absorption during dipping in the asca observation of xb1916-053
Aug, 1997Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We report results of analysis of the ASCA observation of the Low Mass X-ray Binary dipping source XB1916-053 made on 1993, May 2nd. We have shown that the spectra can be well fitted by the same two-component model previously used to give good explanations of the very different dip sources X1755-338 and X1624-490, consisting of point-source blackbody emission from the neutron star plus extended Comptonised emission from the accretion disk corona. In XB1916-053, all levels of dipping can be fitted using kT_bb= 2.14+/-0.28 keV and power law photon index = 2.42 +/-0.21. Dipping is shown to be due to large increases of column density for the point-like blackbody, combined with the extended power law component being progressively covered by absorber until in the deepest parts of dips, the partial covering fraction approaches unity. This approach differs radically from the ``absorbed plus unabsorbed'' approach previously used in spectral modelling of XB1916-053 and similar sources, in which the normalisation of the unabsorbed component is allowed to decrease markedly in dipping, behavior generally attributed to the effects of electron scattering. Thus we have shown that spectral evolution in XB1916-053 can be explained simply in terms of photoelectric absorption without the need for substantial electron scattering. This explanation is supported by calculation of the relative importance of photoelectric absorption and electron scattering in the absorbing region which shows that little electron scattering is expected in the ASCA energy band.References(10)