Fisher zeroes and singular behaviour of the two dimensional Potts model in the thermodynamic limit
Jul, 199710 pages
Published in:
- J.Phys.A 31 (1998) 9419
- cond-mat/9707039 [cond-mat]
Report number:
- TCDMATH-97-06,
- LTH-399
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Abstract: (arXiv)
The duality transformation is applied to the Fisher zeroes near the ferromagnetic critical point in the q>4 state two dimensional Potts model. A requirement that the locus of the duals of the zeroes be identical to the dual of the locus of zeroes in the thermodynamic limit (i) recovers the ratio of specific heat to internal energy discontinuity at criticality and the relationships between the discontinuities of higher cumulants and (ii) identifies duality with complex conjugation. Conjecturing that all zeroes governing ferromagnetic singular behaviour satisfy the latter requirement gives the full locus of such Fisher zeroes to be a circle. This locus, together with the density of zeroes is then shown to be sufficient to recover the singular form of the thermodynamic functions in the thermodynamic limit.Note:
- 10 pages, 0 figures, LaTeX. Paper expanded and 2 references added clarifying duality relationships between discontinuities in higher cumulants Report-no: TCDMATH 97-06, LTH 399 Subj-class: Statistical Mechanics Journal-ref: J. Phys. A, 31 (1998) 9419.