Speckle from phase-ordering systems
- Gregory Brown(,)
- UC, Berkeley and
- Rutherford and
- Unlisted and
- Florida State U.
- Per Arne Rikvold(,)
- UC, Berkeley and
- Rutherford and
- Unlisted and
- Florida State U.
- ,
11 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.E 56 (1997) 6601-6612
- cond-mat/9706140 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
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Abstract: (APS)
The statistical properties of coherent radiation scattered from phase-ordering materials are studied in detail using large-scale computer simulations and analytic arguments. Specifically, we consider a two-dimensional model with a nonconserved, scalar order parameter (model A), quenched through an order-disorder transition into the two-phase regime. For such systems it is well established that the standard scaling hypothesis applies, consequently, the average scattering intensity at wave vector k and time τ is proportional to a scaling function which depends only on a rescaled time, t∼|k|2τ. We find that the simulated intensities are exponentially distributed, and the time-dependent average is well approximated using a scaling function due to Ohta, Jasnow, and Kawasaki. Considering fluctuations around the average behavior, we find that the covariance of the scattering intensity for a single wave vector at two different times is proportional to a scaling function with natural variables δt=|t1−t2| and t¯=(t1+t2)/2. In the asymptotic large-t¯ limit this scaling function depends only on z=δt/t¯1/2. For small values of z, the scaling function is quadratic, corresponding to highly persistent behavior of the intensity fluctuations. We empirically establish that the intensity covariance (for k≠0) equals the square of the spatial Fourier transform of the two-time, two-point correlation function of the order parameter. This connection allows sensitive testing, either experimental or numerical, of existing theories for two-time correlations in systems undergoing order-disorder phase transitions. Comparison between theoretical scaling functions and our numerical results requires no adjustable parameters.Note:
- 18 pgs RevTeX, to appear in PRE
- 64.60.Cn
- 64.60.My
- 05.40.+j
- 61.10.Dp