Strangeness production in proton proton collisions

Feb, 1998
33 pages
Report number:
  • IFJ-1787-PH,
  • UGI-98-6

Citations per year

The cross sections of the reaction ppNKYpp \to N K Y for K+K^+ or K0K^0 mesons and Λ\Lambda or Σ\Sigma hyperons are calculated within the boson exchange model including pion and kaon exchange diagrams. We analyze the dependence of the results on the accuracy of the input πN\pi N amplitude. By fixing the πNN\pi NN coupling constant and the cut-off parameter Λπ{\Lambda}_{\pi} at the πNN\pi NN vertex we calculate the contribution from the kaon exchange diagram and obtain the ratio of the KNΛKN \Lambda and KNΣKN \Sigma coupling constants by a fit to the experimental data. This ratio is in a good agreement with the SU(6) prediction. Our calculated total cross sections for the different reaction channels are fitted by simple expressions and compared with other parameterizations used in the literature. Furthermore, the gross features of the production cross section close to threshold are discussed.
  • Seminars held at Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University
  • 33 pages, LaTeX, including 14 ps-figures Report-no: IFUJ, IFJ-1787/PH and UGI-98-6
  • p p: exclusive reaction
  • K: hadroproduction
  • hyperon: hadroproduction
  • pi: exchange
  • K: exchange
  • eta
  • rho(770)
  • nucleon resonance
  • Feynman graph
  • pi nucleon: scattering amplitude