Anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background: Theory
Feb, 199810 pages
Part of Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology. Proceedings, 18th Texas Symposium, 'Texas in Chicago', Chicago, USA, December 15-20, 1996, 68-77
Contribution to:
- astro-ph/9702134 [astro-ph]
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Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) contain a wealth of information about the past history of the universe and the present values of cosmological parameters. I ouline some of the theoretical advances of the last few years. In particular, I emphasize that for a wide class of cosmological models, theorists can accurately calculate the spectrum to better than a percent. The specturm of anisotropies today is directly related to the pattern of inhomogeneities present at the time of recombination. This recognition leads to a powerful argument that will enable us to distinguish inflationary models from other models of structure formation. If the inflationary models turn out to be correct, the free parameters in these models will be determined to unprecedented accuracy by the upcoming satellite missions.- talk: Chicago 1996/12/15
- cosmological model
- cosmic background radiation: anisotropy
- cosmological constant
- inflation
- numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments
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