Logarithmic N=1 superconformal field theories
Mar, 1998Citations per year
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We study the logarithmic superconformal field theories. Explicitly, the two-point functions of N=1 logarithmic superconformal field theories (LSCFT) when the Jordan blocks are two (or more) dimensional, and when there are one (or more) Jordan block(s) have been obtained. Using the well known three-point fuctions of N=1 superconformal field theory (SCFT), three-point functions of N=1 LSCFT are obtained. The general form of N=1 SCFT's four-point functions is also obtained, from which one can easily calculate four-point functions in N=1 LSCFT.Note:
- 10 pages, LaTeX file, minor revisions made, to appear in Phys. Lett. B
- field theory: conformal
- dimension: 2
- supersymmetry: superfield
- algebra: Virasoro
- n-point function: 3
- n-point function: 4
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