Truncated conformal space at c = 1, nonlinear integral equation and quantization rules for multi - soliton states

Mar, 1998
12 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 430 (1998) 264-273
Report number:
  • DFUB-98-04

Citations per year

We develop Truncated Conformal Space (TCS) technique for perturbations of c=1 Conformal Field Theories. We use it to give the first numerical evidence of the validity of the non-linear integral equation (NLIE) derived from light-cone lattice regularization at intermediate scales. A controversy on the quantization of Bethe states is solved by this numerical comparison and by using the locality principle at the ultra- violet fixed point. It turns out that the correct quantization for pure hole states is the one with half-integer quantum numbers originally proposed by Mariottini et al. Once the correct rule is imposed, the agreement between TCS and NLIE for pure hole states turns out to be impressive.
  • 12 pages, 5 eps figures, LaTeX2e. Reference added, changes in the discussion of TCS method Report-no: DFUB-98-04
  • field theory: conformal
  • central charge: 1
  • integral equations: nonlinear
  • lattice field theory
  • regularization: light cone
  • quantization
  • soliton
  • energy levels
  • numerical calculations