Scenario for ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions: Space-time picture of quantum fluctuations and the birth of QGP
Mar, 199854 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 58 (1998) 389-425
- hep-ph/9803364 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- WSU-NP-2-1998
Citations per year
We study the dynamics of quantum fluctuations which take place at the earliest stage of high-energy processes and the conditions under which the data from e-p deep-inelastic scattering may serve as an input for computing the initial data for heavy-ion collisions at high energies. Our method is essentially based on the space-time picture of these seemingly different phenomena. We prove that the ultra-violet renormalization of the virtual loops does not bring any scale into the problem. The scale appears only in connection with the collinear cut-off in the evolution equations and is defined by the physical properties of the final state. In heavy-ion collisions the basic screening effect is due to the mass of the collective modes (plasmons) in the dense non-equilibrium quark-gluon system, which is estimated. We avoid the standard parton phenomenology and suggest a dedicated class of evolution equations which describe the dynamics of quantum fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions.- scattering: heavy ion
- electron p: deep inelastic scattering
- electron p: inclusive reaction
- quantum chromodynamics
- perturbation theory: higher-order
- gluon: propagator
- renormalization
- integral equations: solution
- spectral representation
- quantum mechanics: fluctuation
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