Diffractive production of jets and weak bosons, and tests of hard scattering factorization
May, 1998
36 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 59 (1999) 074022
- hep-ph/9805268 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- CTEQ-701-REV,
- PSU-TH-177-REV
Citations per year
We extract diffractive parton densities from data on diffractive deep inelastic scattering (DIS) and on diffractive photoproduction of jets. We explore the results of several ansaetze for the functional form of the parton densities. Then we use the fitted parton densities to predict the diffractive production of jets and of W's and Z's in p-pbar collisions at the Tevatron. To fit the photoproduction data requires a large gluon density in the Pomeron. The predictions for the Tevatron cross sections are substantially higher than data; this signals a breakdown of hard-scattering factorization in diffractive hadron-hadron collisions.- electron p: deep inelastic scattering
- photon p: interaction
- jet: electroproduction
- jet: photoproduction
- diffraction
- momentum spectrum: parton
- hard scattering
- factorization
- anti-p p: inclusive reaction
- jet: hadroproduction