Higgs boson discovery potential of LHC in the channel p p ---> gamma gamma + jet
May, 1998
13 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 431 (1998) 410-419
- hep-ph/9805341 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- INP-MSU-98-13-514
Citations per year
We discuss the SM Higgs discovery potential of LHC in the reaction when the jet is observed at sufficiently high to be reliably identified. We conclude that this channel gives promising discovery possibilities for the Higgs boson mass range 100-140 GeV, during LHC operation at a low luminosity. With 30 fb of accumulated data and for GeV about 100 signal events could be observed with the number of background events larger by a factor of 2 only, showing a signal significance . We use the difference of distributions in the partonic subprocess energy for the signal and background for a better separation of the signal.Note:
- 15 pages including 6 figures, LaTeX, use epsfig.sty. To appear in Phys.Lett.B. In this replacement minor LaTeX improvements are made
- p p: inclusive reaction
- Higgs particle: search for
- photon: pair production
- jet: associated production
- Higgs particle: hadroproduction
- Higgs particle: radiative decay
- Higgs particle: mass
- luminosity
- background
- model: parton