A Modular invariant partition function for the five-brane
May, 199826 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 530 (1998) 683-700
- hep-th/9806016 [hep-th]
Report number:
- IASSNS-HEP-98-43
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We compute an SL(6,Z) invariant partition function for the chiral two-form of the M theory fivebrane compactified on the six-torus. From a manifestly SL(5,Z) invariant formalism, we prove that the partition function has an additional SL(2,Z) symmetry. The combination of these two symmetries ensures SL(6,Z) invariance. Thus, whether or not a fully covariant Lagrangian is available, the fivebrane on the six-torus has a consistent quantum theory.Note:
- 27 pages. References added. To appear in Nuclear Physics B Report-no: IASSNS-HEP-98/43
- membrane model: p-brane
- p-brane: 5
- M-theory
- differential forms: 2
- partition function
- invariance: SL(6,Z)
- invariance: modular