There is no theoretical reason to think that the spin-flip component of the Pomeron is zero. One can measure the spin-flip part using Coulomb-nuclear interference (CNI). Perturbative QCD calculations show that the spin-flip component is sensitive to the smallest quark separation in the proton, while the non-flip part probes the largest separation. According to HERA results on the proton structure function at very low x the energy dependence of the cross-section correlates with the size of the color dipole. Analysing the data from HERA we predict that the ratio of the spin-flip to non-flip amplitude grows with energy as r(s)(1/x)0.10.2r(s)\propto (1/x)^{0.1-0.2}, violating Regge factorisation of the Pomeron.
  • talk: Brussels 1998/04/04
  • talk: Rio de Janeiro 1998/02/16
  • nucleon nucleon: elastic scattering
  • exchange: pomeron
  • Regge poles
  • spin: scattering amplitude
  • polarization
  • interference
  • p: wave function
  • electron p: deep inelastic scattering