Theoretical description of the HERA data on F2 at low Q**2
Jun, 1998Citations per year
It is shown that the CKMT model for the nucleon structure function gives a good description of the recent HERA data at low and moderate . Also the fit to the same data obtained with a modified version of the model in which a logarithmic dependence on has been included, is presented. For moderate values of , in the current available range of , the first parametrization leads to a better description of the data.- electron p: deep inelastic scattering
- exchange: one-photon
- photon p: interaction
- p: structure function
- momentum transfer: low
- Regge poles
- quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory
- total cross section: energy dependence
- numerical calculations
- interpretation of experiments: DESY HERA Stor
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