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Recently proposed supergravity theories in odd dimensions whose fields are connection one-forms for the minimal supersymmetric extensions of anti-de Sitter gravity are discussed. Two essential ingredients are required for this construction: (1) The superalgebras, which extend the adS algebra for different dimensions, and (2) the lagrangians, which are Chern-Simons (2n1)(2n-1)-forms. The first item completes the analysis of van Holten and Van Proeyen, which was valid for N=1 only. The second ensures that the actions are invariant by construction under the gauge supergroup and, in particular, under local supersymmetry. Thus, unlike standard supergravity, the local supersymmetry algebra closes off-shell and without requiring auxiliary fields. \\ The superalgebras are constructed for all dimensions and they fall into three families: osp(mN)osp(m|N) for D=2,3,4D=2,3,4, mod 8, osp(Nm)osp(N|m) for D=6,7,8D=6,7,8, mod 8, and su(m2,2N)su(m-2,2|N) for D=5 mod 4, with m=2[D/2]m=2^{[D/2]}. The lagrangian is constructed for D=5,7D=5, 7 and 11. In all cases the field content includes the vielbein (eμae_{\mu}^{a}), the spin connection (ωμab\omega_{\mu}^{ab}), NN gravitini (ψμi\psi_{\mu}^{i}), and some extra bosonic "matter" fields which vary from one dimension to another.
  • talk: Bariloche 1998/01/07
  • supergravity
  • gauge field theory
  • any-dimensional
  • supersymmetry: algebra
  • field theory: action
  • Chern-Simons term
  • bibliography
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