The Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and the single pion photoproduction multipole E(0+) close to threshold
Aug, 1998Citations per year
The long-standing discrepancy between the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and the analysis of pion photoproduction multipoles is greatly diminished by use of s-wave multipoles that are in accord with the predictions of chiral perturbation theory and describe the experimental data in the threshold region. The remaining difference may be due to contributions of channels with more pions and/or heavier mesons whose contributions to the sum rule remain to be investigated by a direct measurement of the photoabsorption cross sections.- photon nucleon: exclusive reaction
- polarization
- pi: photoproduction
- sum rule
- photon: absorption
- partial wave analysis: multipole
- threshold
- background
- numerical calculations