Various models for pion probability distributions from heavy ion collisions
Jul, 1998
12 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 58 (1998) 3627-3635
- nucl-th/9808018 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- LA-UR-98-3412
Citations per year
Various models for pion multiplicity distributions produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions are discussed. The models include a relativistic hydrodynamic model, a thermodynamic description, an emitting source pion laser model, and a description which generates a negative binomial description. The approach developed can be used to discuss other cases which will be mentioned. The pion probability distributions for these various cases are compared. Comparison of the pion laser model and Bose-Einstein condensation in a laser trap and with the thermal model are made. The thermal model and hydrodynamic model are also used to illustrate why the number of pions never diverges and why the Bose-Einstein correction effects are relatively small. The pion emission strength of a Poisson emitter and a critical density are connected in a thermal model by , and this fact reduces any Bose-Einstein correction effects in the number and number fluctuation of pions. Fluctuations can be much larger than Poisson in the pion laser model and for a negative binomial description. The clan representation of the negative binomial distribution due to Van Hove and Giovannini is discussed using the present description. Applications to CERN/NA44 and CERN/NA49 data are discussed in terms of the relativistic hydrodynamic model.Note:
- 12 pages, incl. 3 figures and 4 tables. You can also download a PostScript file of the manuscript from Report-no: LA-UR-98-3412
- scattering: heavy ion
- pi: multiple production
- multiplicity: spectrum
- nuclear reaction: model
- hydrodynamics
- thermodynamics
- pi: particle source
- pi: laser
- boson: statistics
- numerical calculations