Optimized perturbation theory at finite temperature: Renormalization and Nambu-Goldstone theorem in O(N) phi**4 theory
Aug, 1998Citations per year
The optimized perturbation theory (OPT) at finite temperature recently developed by the present authors is reviewed by using O(N) phi^4 theory with spontaneous symmetry breaking. The method resums automatically higher loops (including the hard thermal loops) at high and simultaneously cures the problem of tachyonic poles at relatively low . We prove that (i) the renormalization of the ultra-violet divergences can be carried out systematically in any given order of OPT, and (ii) the Nambu-Goldstone theorem is satisfied for arbitrary and for any given order of OPT.Note:
- Talk given at ``Thermal Field Theories and Their Applications'', (Regensburg, Germany, August, 10-14, 1998). RevTeX 10 pages, with 9 eps figures
- talk: Regensburg 1998/08/10
- perturbation theory: higher-order
- finite temperature
- phi**n model: 4
- symmetry: O(N)
- expansion 1/N
- spontaneous symmetry breaking
- tachyon
- renormalization
- Goldstone theorem
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