How degenerate can cosmological neutrinos be?
Aug, 19984 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 451 (1999) 136-139
- hep-ph/9809410 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- SINP-TNP-98-21
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There are well-known bounds on light neutrino masses from cosmological energy density arguments. These arguments assume the neutrinos to be non-degenerate. We show how these bounds are affected if the neutrinos are degenerate. In this case, we obtain correlated bounds between neutrino mass and degeneracy.Note:
- 5 pages, Latex, uses epsf.sty. (Some details added at the referee's request. One reference added.) Report-no: SINP/TNP/98-21
- cosmological model
- neutrino: mass
- upper limit
- energy: density
- numerical calculations