Possible tests of time reversal invariance in Beta decay

May, 1957
5 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev. 106 (1957) 517-521

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
Noninvariance under space reflection and charge conjugation has now been established for beta decay processes. Invariance under time reversal remains an open question, however. We discuss here several possible tests for the validity of this symmetry operation. General expressions are given for the distribution function in three experimental situations, which have the possibility of detecting terms in allowed beta decay that are not invariant under time reversal: (a) experiments in which the nuclei are oriented and electron and neutrino momenta are measured; (b) experiments in which the nuclei are not oriented, but the recoil momentum and electron momentum and polarization are observed; (c) experiments in which the nuclei are oriented and the electron momentum and polarization are measured. The distribution functions obtained omit Coulomb distortion effects and relativistic corrections for the nucleons, but are othewise complete. Such experiments should permit, in addition to the detection of terms which are not invariant under time reversal, the beginnings of a determination of the ten complex coupling constants which now characterize beta decay. An additional, somewhat surprising, result is found. If the two-component neutrino theory of Lee and Yang is correct, and if certain perhaps reasonable assumptions concerning the relative magnitudes of the various coupling constants are valid, then the longitudinal polarization of electrons in allowed beta decay even from unoriented nuclei should be almost complete (specifically, equal to vc).