QCD sum rules with two point correlation function
Dec, 1998
4 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.A 670 (2000) 64-67
Contribution to:
- nucl-th/9902031 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- TIT-HEP-415-NP
Citations per year
We construct three different sum rules from the two-point correlation function with pion, , beyond the soft-pion limit. The PS and PV coupling schemes in the construction of the phenomenological side are carefully considered in each sum rule. We discuss the dependence of the result on the specific Dirac structure and identify the source of the dependence by making specific models for higher resonances.- talk: Tokyo 1998/12/14
- quantum chromodynamics: sum rule
- two-point function
- correlation function
- operator product expansion
- pi: wave function
- coupling: pseudoscalar
- coupling: axial-vector
- invariance: Lorentz
- pi nucleon: coupling constant