Citations per year
- book
- mechanics: gauge
- geometry
- fibre bundle
- time dependence
- jet
- Hamiltonian formalism
- Lagrangian formalism
- constraint
- differential forms: symplectic
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- J.Geom.Phys. 17 (1995) 321-341
- [2]Foundations of Mechanics, Second Edition /Cummings Publ. Comp., London, 1978)
- R.Abraham,
- J.Marsden
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- J.Phys.A 30 (1997) 5037-5050
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- Lett.Math.Phys. 33 (1995) 207-219
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- Phys.Lett.B 314 (1993) 333-335
- [6]Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics Berlin, 1978)
- V.Arnold
- [7]Mathematical aspects of classical and celestial mechanics, in Dynamical Systems III Berlin, 1988) p.1
- V.Arnold,
- V.Kozlov,
- A.Neishtadt
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- J.Phys.A 29 (1996) 7993-8010
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- J.Phys.A 30 (1997) L607-L616
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- [10]A generalized Lagrange equation in implicit form for non-conservative mechanics
- F.Barone,
- R.Grassini,
- G.Mendella
- J.Phys.A 30 (1997) 1575
- [11]Foundations of supermanifold theory: the axiomatic approach
- C.Bartocci,
- U.Bruzzo,
- D.Hernández Ruipérez,
- V.Pestov
- Differ.Geom.Appl. 3 (1993) 135
- [12]The Hamiltonian structure of Yang-Mills theories and instantons
- M.Bergvelt,
- E. de Kerf
- Physica A 139 (1986) 101
- [13]Poisson Algebras and Poisson Manifolds, Pithman Research Notes in Mathematics 174 (Longhman Sci., Harlow, 1988)
- K.Bhaskara,
- K.Vismanath
- [14]and J.´Sniatycki, Geometry of Classical Fields Amsterdam, 1988)
- E.Binz,
- H.Fischer
- [15]Contact Manifolds in Riemannian Geometry, Lect. Notes in Mathematics 509 Berlin, 1976)
- D.Blair
- [16]Sheaf theory N.-Y., 1967)
- G. Bredon
- [17]Cohomology of Groups -Verlag, Berlin, 1982)
- K.Brown
- [18]The normal form of a Hamilton system, Uspehi Matemat. Nauk 43 (1988) N1, 23 (in Russian)
- A.D.Bruno
- [19]A differential complex for Poisson manifolds
- J-L. Brylinski
- J.Diff.Geom. 28 (1988) 93
- [20]Exterior Differential Systems Berlin, 1991)
- R.Bryant,
- S.Chern,
- R.Gardner,
- H.Goldschmidt,
- P.Griffiths
- [21]Extension of the Poisson bracket to differential forms and multi-vectors
- A.Cabras,
- A.Vinogradov
- J.Geom.Phys. 9 (1992) 75
- [22]An Introduction to Differential Equations and their Applications (Wadsworth Inc., Belmont, 1990)
- S.Campbell
- [23]Bundle splittings, connections and locally principle fibred manifolds, Bull. U.M.I Algebra e Geometria Serie VI V-D (1986) 18
- D.Canarutto
- [24]On constrained mechanical systems: D’Alembert’s and Gauss’ princoples
- F.Cardin,
- G.Zanzotto
- J.Math.Phys. 30 (1989) 1473
- [25]On nonholonomic and vakonomic dynamics of mechanical systems with nonintegrable constraints
- F.Cardin,
- M.Favretti
- J.Geom.Phys. 18 (1996) 295