An isocurvature cdm cosmogony. I. a worked example of evolution through inflation
May, 199811 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J. 510 (1999) 523
- astro-ph/9805194 [astro-ph]
Report number:
- PUPGGT98-2
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Abstract: (arXiv)
I present a specific worked example of evolution through inflation to the initial conditions for an isocurvature CDM model for structure formation. The model invokes three scalar fields, one that drives power law inflation, one that survives to become the present-day CDM, and one that gives the CDM field a mass that slowly decreases during inflation and so ``tilts'' the primeval mass fluctuation spectrum of the CDM. The functional forms for the potentials and the parameter values that lead to an observationally acceptable model for structure formation do not seem to be out of line with current ideas about the physics of the very early universe. I argue in an accompanying paper that the model offers an acceptable fit to main observational constraints.References(14)