The Casimir effect: Physical manifestations of zero point energy
Jan, 1999Citations per year
Zero-point fluctuations in quantum fields give rise to observable forces between material bodies, the so-called Casimir forces. In these lectures I present the theory of the Casimir effect, primarily formulated in terms of Green's functions. There is an intimate relation between the Casimir effect and van der Waals forces. Applications to conductors and dielectric bodies of various shapes will be given for the cases of scalar, electromagnetic, and fermionic fields. The dimensional dependence of the effect will be described. Finally, we ask the question: Is there a connection between the Casimir effect and the phenomenon of sonoluminescence?- lectures: Seoul 1998/06/29
- effect: Casimir
- force: van der Waals
- field theory: scalar
- fermion: field theory
- electromagnetic field
- regularization: dimensional
- two-point function
- finite temperature
- dielectric