Double Solution with Chaos: Dynamic Redundance and Causal Wave-Particle Duality

Feb, 1999
24 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
A system of two interacting, physically real, initially homogeneous fields is considered as the simplest basis for the world construction in which one of them, a 'protofield' of electromagnetic nature, is attracted to another protofield, or medium, responsible for the eventually emerging gravitational effects. The interaction process is analysed within the generalised 'effective (optical) potential method' in which we avoid any usual perturbative reduction. It then appears that for generic system parameters the protofields, instead of simply 'falling' one onto another and forming a fixed 'bound state', are engaged in a self-sustained process of nonlinear pulsation, or 'quantum beat', consisting in unceasing cycles of self-amplified auto-squeeze, or 'collapse' ('reduction'), of a portion of the extended protofields to a small volume followed by the inverse phase of extension. Centres of consecutive reductions form the physical 'points' of thus emerging, intrinsically discrete space, and each of them is 'selected' by the system in a causally random fashion among many equally possible versions (or 'realisations'). This is a manifestation of the dynamic redundance forming the unified basis of dynamically complex (chaotic) behaviour of any real system with interaction (physics/9806002). The sequence of reduction events constitutes the elementary physical 'clock' of the world providing it with the unceasing, intrinsically irreversible time flow. The complex-dynamical quantum beat process in the system of two interacting protofields is observed as the massive elementary particle (like the electron) which naturally possesses the property of physically real wave-particle duality completing the double solution concept of Louis de Broglie (see also quant-ph/9902016, gr-qc/9906077).
  • 24 pages, PostScript 3.0; Dedicated to Louis de Broglie, the leader of the causal science of the twentieth century (see also quant-ph/9911107); contains material from the author's book "Universal Concept of Complexity by the Dynamic Redundance Paradigm: Causal Randomness, Complete Wave Mechanics, and the Ultimate Unification of Knowledge" (Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1997; in English), see physics/9806002; no change of the essential content in the revised version
  • Concentrated presentation of the corresponding chapters of author's book 'Universal Concept of Complexity by the Dynamic Redundance Paradigm: Casual Randomness, Complete Wave Mechanics, and the Ultimate Unification of Knowledge' (Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1997, 550p., in English)
  • quantum mechanics
  • chaos
  • electromagnetic field
  • effective potential: optical
  • causality
  • duality
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