Kinetic freezeout models
Mar, 1999
Citations per year
Freeze out of particles across a space-time hypersurface is discussed in kinetic models. The calculation of final momentum distribution of emitted particles is described for freeze out surfaces, with spacelike normals. The resulting non-equilibrium distribution does not resemble, the previously proposed, cut Juttner distribution, and shows non-exponential p_t-spectra similar to the ones observed in experiments.References(23)
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- L.P. Csernai(,)
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- SUBATECH, Nantes
- L.P. Csernai()
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- Collaboration•
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- Nucl.Phys.A 610 (1996) 175C-187C,
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- Collaboration•
- P.G. Jones()
- Athens U. and
- LBL, Berkeley and
- UC, Berkeley and
- Birmingham U. and
- Budapest, RMKI and
- CERN and
- Cracow, INP and
- Darmstadt, GSI and
- UC, Davis and
- Dubna, JINR and
- Frankfurt U. and
- UCLA and
- Philipps U. Marburg and
- Munich, Max Planck Inst. and
- Warsaw, Inst. Nucl. Studies and
- Warsaw U. and
- Washington U., Seattle and
- Boskovic Inst., Zagreb
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- Nucl.Phys.A 610 (1996) 188C-199C,
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