Deconfinement in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory as a center vortex percolation transition
Apr, 1999
Citations per year
By fixing lattice Yang-Mills configurations to the maximal center gauge and subsequently applying the technique of center projection, one can identify center vortices in these configurations. Recently, center vortices have been shown to determine the string tension between static quarks at finite temperatures (center dominance); also, they correctly reproduce the deconfining transition to a phase with vanishing string tension. After verifying center dominance also for the so-called spatial string tension, the present analysis focuses on the global topology of vortex networks. General arguments are given supporting the notion that the deconfinement transition in the center vortex picture takes the guise of a percolation transition. This transition is detected in Monte Carlo experiments by concentrating on various slices through the closed vortex surfaces; these slices, representing loops in lattice universes reduced by one dimension, clearly exhibit the expected transition from a percolating to a non-percolating, deconfined, phase. The latter phase contains a large proportion of vortex loops winding around the lattice in the Euclidean time direction. At the same time, an intuitive picture clarifying the persistence of the spatial string tension in the deconfined phase emerges.Note:
- 31 latex pages, 10 ps figures included using epsf
- gauge field theory: SU(2)
- lattice field theory
- vortex: percolation
- critical phenomena: confinement
- string tension
- Wilson loop
- vortex: cluster
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo
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