Breakdown of cluster decomposition in instanton calculations of the gluino condensate
Apr, 1999
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A longstanding puzzle concerns the calculation of the gluino condensate <{tr\lambda^2\over 16\pi^2}> = c\Lambda^3 in N=1 supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theory: so-called weak-coupling instanton (WCI) calculations give c=1, whereas strong-coupling instanton (SCI) calculations give, instead, c=2[(N-1)!(3N-1)]^{-1/N}. By examining correlators of this condensate in arbitrary multi-instanton sectors, we cast serious doubt on the SCI calculation of <{tr\lambda^2\over 16\pi^2}> by showing that an essential step --- namely cluster decomposition --- is invalid. We also show that the addition of a so-called Kovner-Shifman vacuum (in which <{tr\lambda^2\over 16\pi^2}> = 0) cannot straightforwardly resolve this mismatch.- gluino: condensation
- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- supersymmetry
- instanton
- strong coupling
- weak coupling
- n-point function
- vacuum state
- expansion 1/N