Massive scalar absorption by extremal p-branes

Apr, 1999
12 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 462 (1999) 62-69
Report number:
  • UPR-0846-T

Citations per year

We study the absorption probability of minimally-coupled massive scalars by extremal p-branes. In particular, we find that the massive scalar wave equation under the self-dual string background has the same form as the massless scalar wave equation under the dyonic string background. Thus it can be cast into the form of a modified Mathieu equation and solved exactly. Another example that we can solve exactly is that of the D=4 two-charge black hole with equal charges, for which we obtain the closed-form absorption probability. We also obtain the leading-order absorption probabilities for D3-, M2- and M5-branes.
  • Latex, 11 pages, reference added
  • membrane model: p-brane
  • scalar particle: absorption
  • scalar particle: massive
  • black hole
  • string model: dyon
  • wave function