Vector potential versus color charge density in low x evolution

Apr, 1999
14 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 61 (2000) 014012
Report number:
  • OUTP-99-22-P,
  • OUTP-99-22P

Citations per year

We reconsider the evolution equations for multigluon correlators derived in hep-ph/9709432. We show how to derive these equations directly in terms of vector potentials (or colour field strength) avoiding the introduction of the concept of colour charge density in the intermediate steps. The two step procedure of deriving the evolution of the charge density correlators followed by the solution of classical equations for the vector potentials is shown to be consistent with direct derivation of evolution for vector potentials. In the process we correct some computational errors of hep-ph/9709432 and present the corrected evolution equations which have a somewhat simpler appearance.
  • 15 pages, 1 figure, changes made referee report, to be published in Phys. Rev D
  • quantum chromodynamics
  • path integral
  • correlation function: ((n)gluon)
  • color
  • charge: density
  • potential: vector
  • small-x
  • fluctuation
  • Feynman graph: tadpole