Performance of large area CsI RICH prototypes for ALICE at LHC

Feb, 1999

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
We present the performances of large area CsI-RICH prototypes obtained in single-particle events. The differential quantum efficiency of the photocathodes has been deduced from Cherenkov rings by means of two different procedures: a direct measurement with a thin NaF radiator and a Monte Carlo-based estimation for a C 6 F 14 radiator. A factor of merit of 45 cm −1 has been found for the typical detector configuration. Two angle reconstruction algorithms have been used and the different errors affecting the Cherenkov angle resolution have been estimated combining the analytical treatment and the Monte Carlo simulation. Also the dependence on radiator thickness, Cherenkov ring radius, chamber voltage and particle incidence angle has been studied.
  • talk: Ein Gedi 1998/11/15
  • RICH
  • Cherenkov counter: sodium-iodide
  • carbon: fluorine
  • photoelectron: yield
  • cesium: iodine
  • angular resolution
  • CERN LHC Coll