Soliton S matrices for the critical A(1)(N-1) chain
Jun, 199912 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 462 (1999) 121-131
- hep-th/9906069 [hep-th]
Report number:
- UMTG-219
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Citations per year
We compute by Bethe Ansatz both bulk and boundary hole scattering matrices for the critical A_{N-1}^(1) quantum spin chain. The bulk S matrix coincides with the soliton S matrix for the A_{N-1}^(1) Toda field theory with imaginary coupling. We verify our result for the boundary S matrix using a generalization of the Ghoshal-Zamolodchikov boundary crossing relation.Note:
- 12 pages, LaTeX Report-no: UMTG-219
- statistical mechanics
- model: spin
- S-matrix
- soliton
- Bethe ansatz
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