Two particle correlations from the q boson viewpoint

Jun, 1999
19 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.A 7 (2000) 229-238
Report number:
  • CERN-TH-99-177

Citations per year

We propose and develop to some extent a novel approach, which allows us to effectively describe, for relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the empirically observed deviation from unity of the intercept \lambda (i.e. the measured value corresponding to zero relative momentum {\bf p} of two registered identical pions or kaons) of the two-particle correlation function C(p,K). The approach is based on the use of two versions of the so-called q-deformed oscillators and the corresponding picture of ideal gases of q-bosons. By these techniques the intercept \lambda is put into direct correspondence with the deformation parameter q. For fixed deformation strength, the model predicts dependence of the intercept \lambda on the pion pair mean momentum {\bf K}.
  • LaTeX, 19 pages, 4 EPS figures. Minor text changes are made
  • scattering: heavy ion
  • pi: multiple production
  • K: multiple production
  • correlation function: two-particle
  • model: oscillator
  • algebra
  • statistical mechanics
  • boson: gas
  • numerical calculations