Total forward and differential cross-sections of neutral D mesons produced in 500-GeV/c pi- nucleon interactions

Jun, 1999
16 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 462 (1999) 225-236
Report number:
  • FERMILAB-PUB-99-185-E

Citations per year

We measure the neutral D total forward cross section and the differential cross sections as function of Feynman-x (xFx_F) and transverse momentum squared for 500 GeV/c π\pi^--nucleon interactions. The results are obtained from 88990+-460 reconstructed neutral D mesons from Fermilab experiment E791 using the decay channels DKπ+D\to K^-\pi^+ and DKπ+ππ+D\to K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+ (and charge conjugates). We extract fit parameters from the differential cross sections and provide the first direct measurement of the turnover point in the xFx_F distribution, 0.0131+-0.0038. We measure an absolute D0+D0ˉD^0 + \bar{D^0} (xF>0x_F > 0) cross section of 15.4+1.8-2.3 microbarns/nucleon (assuming a linear A dependence). The differential and total forward cross sections are compared to theoretical predictions and to results of previous experiments.
  • 16 pages with 7 figures, submitted to Physics Letters B Report-no: FERMILAB-Pub-99/185-E
  • 13.87.Ce
  • 14.40.Lb
  • 13.60.Le
  • 25.80.Hp
  • pi- nucleus: inclusive reaction
  • carbon
  • platinum
  • D0: hadroproduction
  • production: small-angle
  • D0: hadronic decay