Quantum groups and their applications in nuclear physics
Sep, 199982 pages
Published in:
- Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 43 (1999) 537-618
- nucl-th/9909003 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- DEM-NT-99-02
Citations per year
Quantum algebras are a mathematical tool which provides us with a class of symmetries wider than that of Lie algebras, which are contained in the former as a special case. After a self-contained introduction to the necessary mathematical tools (q-numbers, q-analysis, q-oscillators, q-algebras), the SUq(2) rotator model and its extensions, the construction of deformed exactly soluble models (u(3)>so(3) model, Interacting Boson Model, Moszkowski model), the 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator and its relation to the nuclear shell model, the use of deformed bosons in the description of pairing correlations, and the symmetries of the anisotropic quantum harmonic oscillator with rational ratios of frequencies, which underly the structure of superdeformed and hyperdeformed nuclei, are discussed in some detail. A brief description of similar applications to the structure of molecules and of atomic clusters, as well as an outlook are also given.Note:
- 82 pages, LaTeX, review article Report-no: DEM-NT-99-02
- review
- quantum group
- model: oscillator
- dimension: 3
- nuclear physics
- shell model
- quantum algebra: SU(2)
- quantum algebra: SU(3)
- model: rotator
- transition: electromagnetic