GENIUS: A Supersensitive germanium detector system for rare events: Proposal
Aug, 1999111 pages
Contribution to:
- hep-ph/9910205 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- MPI-H-V26-1999
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To increase by a major step the present sensitivity for dark matter and double beta decay search, a new project is suggested, which would operate 'naked' GErmanium detectors in liquid NItrogen as shielding in an Underground Setup (GENIUS). In a first step using 100 kg of natural Ge a large part of the MSSM parameter space for prediction of neutralinos as cold dark matter will be covered making the experiment complementary to LHC in the search for supersymmetry. In the second step use of one ton of enriched 76Ge would yield a sensitivity for double beta decay for the effective Majorana neutrino mass of \0.01 eV. This would be a breakthrough for neutrino physics. GENIUS would also be a breakthrough into the multi-TeV range for many other beyond standard models currently discussed, and the sensitivity would be comparable or even superior to LHC or NLC for various quantities such as right-handed W boson mass, R-parity violation, leptoquark or compositeness searches, or left-handed heavy neutrinos.Note:
- 102 pages, 62 figures (colour versions of some of the pictures can be obtained from the authors), minor changes Report-no: MPI-Report MPI-H-V26-1999
- proposal
- dark matter
- axion
- sparticle
- neutrino: solar
- neutrino: mass
- germanium: double-beta decay
- double-beta decay: (0neutrino)
- background