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In most supersymmetric theories, charginos χ~1,2±\tilde{\chi}^\pm_{1,2} belong to the class of the lightest supersymmetric particles and they are easy to observe at e^+e^- colliders. By measuring the total cross sections and the left-right asymmetries with polarized beams as well as the angular correlations of the decay products of the charginos in e+eχ~iχ~j+[i,j=1,2]e^+e^-\to\tilde{\chi}^-_i\tilde{\chi}^+_j [i,j=1,2], the chargino masses and the gaugino-higgsino mixing angles can be determined. From these observables the relevant fundamental SUSY parameters can be derived: M_2, μ|\mu|, cosΦμ\cos\Phi_\mu, and tanβ=v2/v1\tan\beta=v_2/v_1. The solutions are unique.
  • talk: Sitges 1999/04/28
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • electron: polarized beam
  • supersymmetry: parametrization
  • sparticle: electroproduction
  • sparticle: decay
  • channel cross section
  • angular distribution: asymmetry
  • angular correlation
  • chargino: mass